Samsung to market a … magnetic beetle

Samsung likes strange names… And the South Korean company proves it to us once again today. But what is Magbee? After strange names like Milk Music, Samsung Galaxy S II Epic 4G Touch, or Bixby, what is this strange brand?

The brand describes Magbee as "a magnetic beetle" and "a wireless speaker". An entire program ! We will try to find, see understand, what it is about.

Magbee Samsung to market magnetic beetle

In addition to the name and slogan, Samsung has also unveiled a logo representing what really looks like a beetle. But what is Magbee? Is it a real product? Let's look at the facts; or in any case, to the few elements we have.

The above name and logo has been registered in the classification of wireless audio speakers and speakers by Samsung. The brand's declarations are therefore verified on this point. So, would Magbee be the name of Samsung's next Bixby smart speaker? But then, in this case, what does this have to do with a magnetic beetle? I don't see the link! Don't hesitate to tell me, if you see one …

Samsung has also registered the name Magbee in a much more generic way since it covers almost all the products manufactured by Samsung; including VR headsets, routers, computers, projectors, smart watches, speakers, headphones and cell phones.

This information does not help us much and could even invalidate our first deduction … Could it be the name of a new technology rather than that of a product?

In short, we will not have the answer today. But I don't think we will have to wait very long for new answers. Besides, maybe we will have the chance to know a little more at the next Samsung event at IFA next month; event during which the brand will unveil the Note 9.


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