Detection and measurement of heart energy exchange between people – smart health with Traditional Chinese Medicine

Source: “The Electricity of Touch: Detection and measurement of cardiac energy exchange between people”By Rollin McCraty, PhD, Mike Atkinson, Dana Tomasino, BA and William A. Tiller, PhD

I always emphasize in my training the importance of maintaining caring, empathetic relationships between participants. I often speak of internal coherence induced by a feeling of brotherly Love and the common practice of an activity such as meditation or Qi Gong. Finally, I regularly insist on the need for intention and contact during treatment. Here are selected excerpts from a 2017 scientific study by American researchers. Gorgeous …


The idea that any exchange of energy occurs between individuals is a central theme in many healing methods. Western science has often challenged this concept due to the lack of a plausible mechanism to explain the nature of this energy or how it might affect or facilitate the healing process.

The fact that the heart generates the most powerful electromagnetic field produced by the body, combined with the recent discovery that this field becomes more coherent when the individual goes into a state of sincere or caring love, prompts us to examine the possibility that the field generated by the heart can significantly contribute to this energy exchange.

We present a sample of results that provide evidence that an exchange of electromagnetic energy produced by the heart occurs when people touch or are nearby. A person’s electrocardiogram (ECG) signal is recorded in another person’s electroencephalogram (EEG) and elsewhere on their body. Although this signal is strongest when people are in contact, it is still detectable when subjects are nearby, without contact.

This study represents one of the first successful attempts to directly measure an energy exchange between people and provides a solid and verifiable theory to explain the observed effects of many healing modalities based on the hypothesis that an energy exchange takes place.

Nonlinear stochastic resonance is discussed as a mechanism by which weak and coherent electromagnetic fields, such as those generated by the heart of an individual in an attentive state, can be detected and amplified by biological tissue and potentially produce effects measurable in living systems.

One of the implications is that the effects of therapeutic techniques involving contact or proximity between practitioner and patient could be amplified if practitioners consciously adopted a benevolent attitude, thus introducing increased coherence into their cardiac field.


Many healing methods emphasize the importance of the practitioner's attitude or intention in potentiating the healing process. The importance of intention has been demonstrated in several studies, including one carried out in our laboratories. In addition, we have previously shown that a person’s emotional state directly affects the coherence of the electromagnetic field generated by the heart and that sincere feelings of appreciation, love or care produce increased coherence in the heart system. This is particularly important because the heart generates the most powerful electromagnetic field produced by the body. It can be measured remotely using magnetometers and sensitive electrostatic detectors.

The patterns of electromagnetic energy produced by the human heart when an individual is in a mode of internal coherence, a state attained when he feels sincere love, are a clear example of a low frequency coherent electromagnetic field.

Recent advances in our understanding of the interaction between coherent signals and background noise in nonlinear systems have led to the hypothesis that, under certain circumstances, these coherent and non-thermal electromagnetic fields are detectable by biological systems at cellular and sub-cellular level. (…) This suggests that an increase in heart coherence, and therefore in the emotional state, can affect cell function.

The fact that the electromagnetic field (ECG) of the heart can be measured anywhere on the surface and several inches from the body, coupled with the recent discovery that this field can become more coherent when the individual goes into a genuinely loving state or loving caring, encouraged us to study the possibility that the field generated by the human heart is the source of the energy exchanged between practitioner and patient in the context of many healing practices.

In a recent publication entitled “Energy Cardiology”, Russek and Schwartz analyzed the consequences of this discovery in the context of what they call a “dynamic approach to energy systems” to describe the heart as a generator, organizer and integrator of energy of the human body.

Example 1: holding hands

The purpose of these experiments is to Review the hypothesis that when two people touch each other, an exchange of electrical energy produced by their hearts occurs.

When the subjects are seated about 1m apart, there is no indication of energy transfer between them from the 250 averages used in these experiments. However, when they are holding hands, the source ECG can be clearly detected in the receiver's SAW.

Example 2: hand orientation

This experiment aims to determine whether the transfer of cardiac energy, as observed in example 1, is affected by changes in orientation of the subject's hand holding (i.e. the left hand of the subject). source holding the receiver's right hand relative to the source's right hand holding the receiver's left arm, etc.).

Measurable differences were observed in cardiac energy transfers between subjects measured by the amplitude of the source ECG signal appearing in the receiver's EEG recording. The source ECG appears with the greatest amplitude in the SAW of the receiver when the receiver's right hand is held by the source's left or right hand. When the receiver's left hand is held by the source's right hand, its ECG is still detectable in the receiver's SAW, but at a slightly lower amplitude. Finally, when the receiver's left hand is held by the source's left hand, the source ECG signal was not detected in the receiver's SAW.

Example 3: wear a glove

Source ECG can be clearly detected on the receiver's right arm when none of the subjects are wearing a glove. When the source wears a latex glove, the source ECG signal is still present in the receiver's SAW but the signal strength is about ten times weaker.

Example 4: light touch

The purpose of this experiment is to determine if the signal can be transferred by a source slightly touching the body of the receiver in different places. In this experiment, the receiver is lying on the back, on a massage table, while the source stands next to the table. Three separate tests were carried out: in the first case, the source placed his right hand slightly on the forehead of the receiver; in the second case, he places his right hand lightly on the belly of the receiver; in the third Review, the source places one hand on the front of the receiver and the other on the stomach.

In all three tests, the source ECG signal is clearly detectable in the SAW receiver on both arms; however, the signal measured on the right arm of the receiver is always 5 times larger than the signal received on the left arm.

Example 5: contactless proximity

Since we know that the heart signal is sent outside the body, we have investigated whether this signal is detected by the receptor when the subjects do not touch. We were able to detect a signal on the receiver arms. However, there is a 10 ms phase shift between the source ECG and the signal appearance on the electrodes on the receiver arms.


The data presented here clearly shows that when people touch or are in the vicinity, there is a transfer of electromagnetic energy produced by the heart. This exchange of energy was evidenced by recording the R-wave peak of an individual's electrocardiogram at different locations on the surface of another person's body. Signal transfer appears to depend on the distance between individuals and as might be expected if the transferred signal is electromagnetic in nature.

A biological response to an externally applied field implies that the field causes larger changes in the system than those due to fluctuating random events, or background "noise".

Traditional linear theory predicts that extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields, such as those emitted by the human heart, cannot generate enough energy to exceed the "thermal noise" limit and affect biological tissue. However, a number of experiments have revealed cellular responses to electric field amplitudes far below the theoretical estimates of the minimum field strength required to exceed the thermal noise limit in these systems.

We propose that, thanks to the average of the cellular signals and the nonlinear stochastic resonance, the cardiac field of the therapist, recorded by the patient can be amplified so as to produce significant effects.

The more coherent a weak field signal becomes, the more it becomes able to influence ambient noise and thus produce effects on biological tissue. Recent research has shown that the electromagnetic field of the heart decreases in electrical coherence as an individual becomes angry or becomes frustrated and increases in coherence as a person passes into emotional states such as sincere love, concern or appreciation.

Preliminary results further indicate that people who intentionally increase their heart coherence by maintaining a focused state of sincere love or appreciation can induce changes in water structure and the conformational state of DNA.

An obvious implication, if the stochastic resonance of this model is valid, is that therapeutic techniques involving contact or proximity between practitioner and patient could be amplified if practitioners adopted a benevolent attitude and thus brought increased coherence to their field. heart.

This may explain why many healing practices have a basic principle that the therapeutic effects of treatment depend on the practitioner's intention to help or heal the patient.

It is not surprising that many of the healing modalities mentioned above emphasize not only that the practitioner intends to heal, but also the establishment of a mutually attentive relationship between the practitioner and the patient. .

If the electromagnetic field generated by our heart does indeed have the capacity to significantly affect the people around us, its implications would extend far beyond the interactions between healers and patients.

It has long been observed that our emotions can affect those in the vicinity. The evidence that the heart field changes with different lived emotions, combined with the conclusion that this field is physiologically recorded by those around us, provides the basis for a possible mechanism to describe the impact of our emotions on others at a level basic physiological.

Furthermore, if touch, as we have shown, facilitates this exchange of cardiac energy between individuals, it would give a new and more precise meaning to the concept of touch, first and most fundamental means of communication and facilitator of human interactions.


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