ARS Guyane has a regional health information platform (Pépites project)


The Pépites project was initiated in 2015, said Zéty Billard, interviewed by APMnews (site of the APM International information group, of which TICsanté is a member).

This common territorial base of IT tools should make it possible to meet the challenges of modernizing health information systems (IS) in Guyana and offers:

  • an IT tool that will allow health and medico-social establishments to share the same file at the regional level but also to feed the shared medical file (DMP), offering other professionals access to information
  • a digital space dedicated to sharing information to "facilitate the continuity of patient care for all stakeholders" (city exercise, health facilities and medico-social structures …) and accessibility to a course of care coordinate
  • a digital space to promote epidemiological research and the conduct of studies.

"The second part of Pépites is part of the e-Parcours program," said Zéty Billard.

The e-Parcours program, endowed with 150 million euros between 2017 and 2024, takes over from the Digital Healthcare Territories (TSN) in order to improve the coordination of health professionals and the care of patients with digital tools, we recall.

"Pépites is above all an IT tool that allows convergence towards a computerized patient record (DPI) for all establishments in the region and, it is also for Guyana, the possibility of providing its medico-social structures with a basic user file ", detailed to APMnews (website of the APM International information group, of which TICsanté is a member) Ronald Olivier, director of the GCS Guyasis health cooperation group, co-sponsor of the project.

Following a call for tenders launched by GCS Guyasis, a consortium consisting of the publisher Softway Medical and its partner Orion Health was selected.

Thus, the Pépites platform will be equipped with DPI Hopital Manager from Softway Medical, "backed by interoperability technology" and the sharing space facilitating the coordination of care will be provided by the Amadeus solution developed by the company Orion Health .

"Until now, these IT solutions did not exist in the medico-social sector in Guyana," explained Zéty Billard.

"In its entirety, the deployment of the Pépites project cost nearly 7 million euros for the fifty or so medico-social establishments and the three CHs in Guyana," said the IS in charge of health at ARS.

"The funding was provided by the ARS but it does not include the costs related to regular turnover in Guyana. Each time, it is therefore necessary to train new staff in these tools," she deplored.

"We have set up a regional base of common functionalities between medico-social and sanitary, we will find there everything that is office automation tools, diary, medical file, prescription etc. This common base is financed by ARS . All the other specialized files such as the emergency file, the maternity file, the surgical file of the operating room etc., will be the responsibility of the establishments of the GHT, "she detailed.

"The GCS will offer establishments solutions for these specialized files," said Ronald Olivier.

"Personal health data is hosted by the certified health data host (HDS) Mipih (Midi Picardie hospital IT) and the hospital center (CH) of Cayenne, which is in the process of HDS certification", also added the director of GCS Guyasis.

"Nuggets will revolutionize health in Guyana. We are entering a new era, and making our region the first to be able to offer a unique and modern solution, which will meet the expectations of our health professionals, but also those of our users, "said Clara com Bort, director general of ARS Guyana, in a press release.


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