The toothbrush of the future that cleans teeth in 10s is a hit on Kickstarter

Amabrush marks the end of classic toothbrushes. She promises to fully cleanse the mouth in ten seconds versus three minutes with a conventional brush. The project is a hit on Kickstater with more than 585,000 euros collected.

smart health connected objects make our life easier. Recently we tested an intelligent anti-snoring system that made a big splash on the canvas, this time it's your teeth.

A toothbrush that promises to clean teeth perfectly in ten seconds buzzed on the internet. Much better than a conventional toothbrush, the Amabrush raised more than 585,000 euros barely the project launched on Kickstarter. While the amount requested was only 50,000 euros, the revolutionary toothbrush has already brought together more than 6,480 contributors, including five who donated $ 1,000 to support the project. The starter pack costs 79 euros, against 90 euros on average for a classic electric toothbrush.

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Only ten seconds to perfectly clean your teeth

Amabrush, toothbrush of the future

The time saving offered by this new toothbrush is considerable. While oral health professionals recommend brushing your teeth in three minutes, the Amabrush propose to obtain equivalent results in just ten seconds. To achieve this feat, vibrations are generated by the toothbrush. The classic up and down brushing gesture that all dentists recommend should not be used with this device. No more boredom of the traditional three-minute ritual to keep your teeth clean, the future of the toothbrush is here.

A denture-shaped toothbrush

Amabrush, toothbrush of the future

If Amabrush is so effective, it is because it breaks all the codes of the classic toothbrush. Indeed, it looks nothing like the common toothbrush. In the form of dentures placed inside his mouth, the Amabrush has an ingenious distributor of toothpaste with a lifetime of one month and costs three euros. The denture mouthpiece must also be replaced in the event of wear, all three, even six months depending on use and costs six euros.

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