The ANS publishes the technical doctrine of digital health


This doctrine, initially planned for late January by the government roadmap on digital health, has been progressively submitted for consultation since the end of September, we recall.

The ANS reported having received more than 250 contributions.

The document "describes the technical framework and the urbanization framework in which digital health data exchange and sharing services will have to fit" and will be updated annually, she said.

It is made up of "a summary, a macro-planning, a target architecture diagram and 26 chapters classified according to the guidelines of the digital health roadmap on foundations and baseline frameworks, basic digital services, digital health platforms and support for actors and innovation ".

Among the directions of the roadmap are deployment of the shared medical file (DMP), support for the use of secure health messaging (MSSanté), development of e-prescription or still from the Health Data Hub.

The target audiences are "the bearers of digital health services, whether they ensure project management (regional support groups for the development of e-health, health establishments, etc.) and / or project management. (solution publishers, integrators, etc.) and the users of these digital services (health and medico-social professionals or users of digital health services in the broad sense) ".

The doctrine "is applicable to all digital services handling health data and used on French territory", it is recalled.

It takes up the principle of "platform state" dear to Dominique Pon and Laura Létourneau, respectively ministerial responsible and ministerial delegate for digital health.

"Technical doctrine has no regulatory value," it said. "On the other hand, the major part of the principles which are developed there are intended to be declined in regulatory reference frames. The conformity of the digital services with the doctrine will be the object of a control and a national publicity."

A chapter of the technical doctrine is devoted to the certification of information systems, which will be implemented on January 1, 2024, as announced last December by the Directorate General for Health Care (DGOS).

The first version of this reference system "will be constructed from indicators from:

The generalization of this certification should begin in 2025 and end in 2025. A call for applications from pilot establishments will be launched in June 2023.

The digital digital health doctrine on the ANS website


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