"On the basis of a common observation of the absence of specifications and common quality training for all stakeholders, the LET and the SFSD commit to a lasting partnership. to combat the risk of an anarchic development of telehealth ", stressed the two parties.
"The recognition of the activity of LET companies can only be done by absolute quality and the application of good practices recommended by the High Authority for Health (HAS), especially in teleconsultation. The indisputable prerequisite is a training base of quality validated by an independent scientific and ethical committee ", also argued the SFSD and LET.
As a reminder, the SFSD and LET were both created for 2025. Launched on the foundations of the French Society of Telemedicine (SFT), the SFSD brings together the experts who have supported the development of telemedicine in France with health authorities and , in practice, with actors in the field.
Association "Law 1901", the LET promotes the development of telemedicine and has within its office Dr. Maxime Cauterman (Livi), Dr. Fanny Jacq (DoctoConsult), Marie-Laure Saillard (MesDocteurs), Nicolas Wolikow (Qare) and François Lescure (MédecinDirect), who is also the president of the association.
To address the problem of access to care and that of overcrowding in emergencies, the LET had already advocated making telemedicine "the quickest solution to advance equal access to care in all the territory ", in a column published on September 10, 2024 in Les Echos.