Launch of a Franco-Belgian cross-border portal on health data


This tool is part of the interregional project "Management and dissemination of cross-border data" (GeDiDot), 2016-2023, funded to the tune of 170 million euros by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and partner regions as part of the Interreg France-Wallonie-Vlaanderen program.

The portal centralizes health, demographic and socio-economic indicators to document the socio-health situation and social inequalities in health in a territory of 62,000 km² including Wallonia, the Hauts-com-France region and the departments of the Ardennes and Marne, nearly 10.8 million inhabitants.

It is intended "for local authorities and decision-makers, health and social players but also for all citizens". The ambition is to make local authorities and associations aware of health problems in order to guide local decisions and encourage joint municipal actions or cross-border collaboration agreements.

The portal


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