Quantified self or the art of learning to manage your life better

Quantified self 1At the end of each year, good resolutions for the New Year are released: weight loss, smoking cessation, playing a sport. But these are not kept very long. Now it's over with quantified self or self-measurement, resolutions can last all year. He does not exist anymore excuses.

Quantified self is a new method for collecting and measuring various data related to our body. A self-qualifier uses tools to capture, analyze and share his personal data. This approach can allow any individual to understand his condition, his discomfort thanks to the personal data collected. The main objective of quantified self is to encourage the user to better manage his personal life (health, well-being, productivity).

Self-measurement encompasses several areas: nutrition, sleep, personal organization, physical and sports preparation, cardiovascular state or even sociability. Each area requires suitable tools for the analysis to be exact. The quantified self uses digital technologies as support: sensors, computers, applications for tablets and smartphones. By using these methods, it is possible to follow your weight loss thanks to a scale smart health connected to the smartphone application which gathers information to make curves, statistics. A sensor in a bracelet can indicate the number of steps taken, the distance traveled, the calories burned. An application records sleep in order to analyze it to adapt the alarm clock to suit the person. These few examples are only part of the capabilities of quantified self but show the personal nature of this approach.

The connected bracelet
The smart health connected bracelet

This advance in society and the use of new technologies can have a real medical advantage. The methods used by users are carried out over time. The data collected are the fruit of several months or even years of analysis. More regular monitoring is therefore offered to practitioners of self-measurement. The future would be for the medical profession to work using the data of the quantified self: this could perhaps prevent risks in any individual.

Questions remain to be resolved regarding the use of personal data and the implication of individuals' privacy. At a time when advertisers are using this data to increase their profitability, wouldn't the quantified self be claiming the disappearance of all privacy?

Connected object for health
smart health smart health connected object for health


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