Ulule smart health connected objects: Loki and Canary


Ulule is a crowfunding platform that helps finance projects with the help of internet users. They have the possibility of putting a certain amount of money on such or such project. It’s a European-wide project, 190 countries are already participating. More than 4000 projects have been completed, but what about smart health connected objects funded by the site?

Crowfunding (financing on the internet) is a method increasingly used both for the realization of smart health connected objects or for that of other projects as well artistic as practical (my major company which finances musicians for example). The smart health connected objects that Ulule (which is also a French site) finances are very interesting.

Take the example of Ulule smart health connected objects: Loki and Canary.

What are their functions?

First we have the Loki, true GPS for skiers which allows you to locate your loved ones in the mountains without having to go through a mobile phone. Of course the people in question must also be equipped for it to be effective. You will no longer have problems meeting with your friends or family, you will just have to meet them directly. Besides the object is not yet funded so if it interests skiers do not hesitate.

(Embed) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_As-xWIwNuY (/ embed)

connected ski resort

A smart health connected security device has also been funded by crowfunding on Indiegogo. Canary is a device allowing you to know everything that is happening at your health home. It checks the air quality and alerts you on your smartphone if something is wrong with your health home.

In conclusion, if you want to help finance the smart health connected objects of tomorrow do not keep waiting on crowfunding many other projects are very interesting!


 AB Smart Health


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