IHealth BP7 Wireless Blood Pressure monitoring

The BP7 wireless wrist blood pressure monitoring is the latest addition to the iHealth blood pressure monitoring. It uses the oscillometric principle to automatically display the pulse and blood pressure of its user.

The data will then be processed and interpreted by iHealth MyVitals, the application used by all of the iHealth products and which is free to download from the Apple Store. iHealth MyVitals synchronizes the new measurement with the online account created during the acquisition of the blood pressure monitoring via its owner's IOS device.

iHealth MyVitals is also programmed to allow the publication of the results directly on the social media pages of the latter as it can also send the new measurements by email to its attending physician.

The Cloud records the time and date of each measurement and calculates your average blood pressure from these different times of the day, your morning blood pressure not being the same as that taken in the evening.

The date of the measurements also informs your doctor of the stability or not of your blood pressure in recent weeks so that he can adjust your treatment accordingly.

The iHealth MyVitals app can then compare your data with that published by the World Health Organization. So you will always know if you are normal, without having to seek the advice of your doctor each time.

ihealth-bp7 "width =" 300 "height =" 300 "srcset =" https://www.ABsmarthealth.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/ihealth-bp7-300x300.jpg 300w, https: // www.ABsmarthealth.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/ihealth-bp7-150x150.jpg 150w, https://www.ABsmarthealth.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/ihealth-bp7-1024x1024 .jpg 1024w, https://www.ABsmarthealth.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/ihealth-bp7.jpg 1200w "data-lazy-sizes =" (max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px "src = "https://www.ABsmarthealth.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/ihealth-bp7-300x300.jpg" /><noscript><img class=The BP7d wireless wrist blood pressure monitoring from iHealth has been endorsed by the ESH European Society of Hypertension. This same ESH which, before distributing the certifications, tests and compares the values ​​of each tensiometer with those displayed by a conventional mercury nanometer.

The results that have emerged are encouraging: the BP7d ’iHealth wireless wrist blood pressure monitoring is accurate to + – 3mmHg for blood pressure and + – 5% for pulse.

The BP7 wireless wrist device from iHealth has also obtained recognition from the medical CE for Europe, from the FDA for the USA and is one of the few blood pressure monitors validated by AFSSAPS, the French Agency for Product Safety health)

The BP7d ’iHealth wireless wrist blood pressure monitoring can store and recognize the profile of multiple users. Just select the name of the person who will use the device from their monitoring and the new measurement will be automatically added to their account.

The other blood pressure monitors in the group are: the BP3 blood pressure monitoring, the first in the series, the BP5 wireless blood pressure monitoring and now the BP7.


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