The smart health connected bike by SAMSUNG


After testing bracelets, watches and smartphones SAMSUNG is interested in smart health connected bikes. A new practical concept for pedaling safely.

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What you will learn

A smart bike

If SAMSUNG is working on a smart health connected bike concept, it is of course not only to allow you to walk in town, no! SAMSUNG wants to revolutionize transport by offering a smart health connected means of transport to change your walks. As the name suggests, the SMARTBIKE is a smart smart health connected bike. But what features does it offer?

Getting around easily

The smart health connected bike makes your life and the way easier. The latter has a screen attached to the handlebars which serves as GPS indicating the route to follow, congestion areas, work in progress etc …

Safe pedaling

The smartbike keeps you safe in several ways. First of all a camera is placed on the back of the bike and the ehealth is broadcast on your screen so that you can be aware of a possible danger: truck or car overtaking you for example. Insure your rear!

When no safety strips are painted on your way, the Smartbike guides you with the help of laser beams projected onto the ground.. These are also useful for becoming aware of the safety distances to be respected.

Keep an eye on your health

smart health connected to your smartphone a health app will be developed to allow the user to calculate all their personal data: calories burned, number of kilometers traveled, etc. Smartbike takes care of your bike and your fitness!

We'll have to wait because SAMSUNG has not indicated a release date and therefore no price. It is not yet known whether the prototype will be dedicated to sales. It is, however, an innovative, practical and ambitious project.


 AB Smart Health


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