smart health connected objects start cycling


In this period when the smallest object can become smart health connected, companies have found many ways to make us rediscover cycling.

smart health connected wheels

The Copenhagen wheel : created by MIT, it has a small engine and makes it possible to collect data such as the pollution level air. This wheel also allows store the energy produced while you pedal or brake for the return when you need a little help. To do this, simply increase the level of assistance via the application installed on the smartphone.

wheel of copenhagen

Operating on the same principle, Flykly is distinguished by its application allowing block the operation of the wheel and thus prevent theft of the bicycle. This wheel, with a motor associated with a battery, transforms a classic bicycle into an electrically assisted bicycle. According to its designer, it would be simple to use and would be very easy to mount on your bike.

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flykly "width =" 300 "height =" 200 "srcset =" 300w, https: //www.ABsmarthealth. net / wp-content / uploads / 2023/07 / flykly-1024x682.jpg 1024w, 1200w "data-lazy-sizes = "(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" src = "" /><noscript><img decoding=smart health connected padlocks

With smart health connected padlocks, large companies play on security. Their goal: to prevent theft of bikes using padlocks that only open when their owner, equipped with his smartphone, approaches and deactivates security.

A product is already on the market: Bitlock. The object resembles an ordinary padlock but is distinguished by an integrated battery with a 5-year autonomy. Thanks to the application installed on the smartphone, the user can unlock the padlock effortlessly. In addition, it makes it possible to collect data such as the number of kilometers traveled or even calories burned.

Bitlock "width =" 300 "height =" 214 "srcset =" 300w, https: //www.ABsmarthealth. net / wp-content / uploads / 2023/07 / Bitlock.jpg 630w "data-lazy-sizes =" (max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px "src =" content / uploads / 2023/07 / Bitlock-300x214.jpg "/><noscript><img decoding=However, the latter will soon have to face the arrival of the Skylock : a padlock with a solar captor allowing to charge the battery for a period of one week after only 1 hour of sun exposure. It also has a motion sensor intended for reduce the risk of accidents and to warn the emergency services in the event of a fall. Finally, if someone tries to steal your bike, an alert will be sent to your smartphone.

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skylock "width =" 300 "height =" 225 "srcset =" 300w, https: //www.ABsmarthealth. net / wp-content / uploads / 2023/07 / skylock.jpg 600w "data-lazy-sizes =" (max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px "src =" content / uploads / 2023/07 / skylock-300x225.jpg "/><noscript><img decoding=smart health connected headsets

Security is not the only concern of companies. So the firm LifeBeam designed and marketed the first smart health connected headset: Smart. From the outside, it looks like any helmet but the object is equipped with a sensor which measures heart rate throughout the activity. The data is therefore sent to a smartphone or smartwatch so that the user can monitoring his pace.

lifebeam "width =" 300 "height =" 179 "srcset =" 300w, https: //www.ABsmarthealth. net / wp-content / uploads / 2023/07 / lifebeam.png 423w "data-lazy-sizes =" (max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px "src =" content / uploads / 2023/07 / lifebeam-300x179.png "/><noscript><img decoding=A completely different headset is planned: the MindRider Helmet. The latter will to analyze behavior from its owner in the face of possible dangers using a sensor that performs electroencephalography (EEG). Thanks to the application installed on the smartphone, you can, for example, see where of your journey you are the more concentrated. The helmet is not only suitable for cyclists, it can be used for many other activities (roller skating, skateboarding, etc.).

Helios : the smart health connected handlebars

Hélios is the first smart health connected handlebars intended mainly for racing bikes and to install yourself. It has a GPS as well as several LED (one at the front and two at the ends of the wrists) allowing better night vision. You can even choose the color of the latter.

helios "width =" 300 "height =" 209 "srcset =" 300w, https: //www.ABsmarthealth. net / wp-content / uploads / 2023/07 / helios.jpg 570w "data-lazy-sizes =" (max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px "src =" content / uploads / 2023/07 / helios-300x209.jpg "/><noscript><img decoding=smart health connected bikes

Not content with creating only bicycle accessories, companies specializing in smart health connected objects have decided to design fully smart health connected bikes. The first to come will be the Vanhawks Valor.

Valor "width =" 300 "height =" 199 "srcset =" 300w, https: //www.ABsmarthealth. net / wp-content / uploads / 2023/07 / Valour.jpg 570w "data-lazy-sizes =" (max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px "src =" <a href='' target='_blank' rel='follow'>content</a> / uploads / 2023/07 / Valor-300×199.jpg "/><noscript><img decoding=Designed in carbon fibers and therefore very light, it will have a GPS and will save the distance traveled, the average speed or even detect possible obstacles.

Two other bikes are still in the planning stage: GI Bike and the Samsung Smart Bike. The first will be similar to the Valor with the peculiarity of power to bend in a few seconds. It will also be equipped with LED as well as a system for block the operation of the wheels. To charge it, just plug it in using the built-in USB port.

GI Bike

As for the Samsung Smart Bike, it will be distinguished by the integration of a rear camera as well as laser beams to illuminate the road.

The application installed on the smartphone will also allow you to plan your routes or from consult traffic in real time.

smart bike

It is clear that companies do not intend to stop there and intend to find new ways to revolutionize cycling.


 AB Smart Health


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