Glassy pro, the smart health connected watch for surfers


3 "width =" 412 "height =" 276 "srcset =" 300w, https: //www.ABsmarthealth. net / wp-content / uploads / 2023/11 / 32.png 827w "data-lazy-sizes =" (max-width: 412px) 100vw, 412px "src =" content / uploads / 2023/11 / 32-300x201.png "/></p>
<p><noscript><img decoding=The Glassy pro is a smart health connected watch intended for surfers, as such, it is… waterproof ! but it’s not its only ability, it also gives the time The details put aside, it adapts perfectly to the desires of the environment in which it evolves: surf.

She records the duration of the session, follow them weather situation, remember the number of waves taken, the speed and the time passed surfer on a wave. Finally, it allows the sharing of this information to brag a bit about his exploits on a glassy pro one account.

2 "width =" 417 "height =" 278 "srcset =" 300w, https: //www.ABsmarthealth. net / wp-content / uploads / 2023/11 / 22.png 828w "data-lazy-sizes =" (max-width: 417px) 100vw, 417px "src =" <a href='' target='_blank' rel='follow'>content</a> / uploads / 2023/11 / 22-300×200.png "/></p>
<p><noscript><img decoding=Presale at 279 euros on official site, it is the ideal object for the surfer, to certainly couple with a GoPro for more sensational. For others, a smart health smart health connected object that will go unnoticed …

Glassy pro application

Smart watch surfer - Glassy pro



 AB Smart Health


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