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Lapka, an innovative smart health connected environmental analyzer!

If you think that smart health connected objects are only luxury products, even useless, you do not know Lapka. This pack of various smart health connected environmental sensors is one of the most successful accessories in the Apple range. Its small size does not prevent its sensors from efficiently analyzing the air quality, the humidity or radiation in the air, the temperature or the “bio degree” of a fruit. Just that. Read this Lapka review to discover more about this innovative smart health device.And Lapka has been acquired by Airbnb.

Whether you like it or not, the iPhone remains a jewel of technology that has always unleashed passions and creatives. So, in terms of accessories, it is not surprising to find objects as original as culinary thermometers, smart health connected lighters or even portable wind turbines to recharge your phone. Nice gadgets but which, let’s face it, were superfluous. Today, discover a new accessory with less accessory utility: Lapka environmental sensors.

An original design

At first glance, you don’t really know what you’re looking at. Some see it as a puzzle, others as a geek decoration item, and some believe they see it as the shapes of a new Apple product. These are the closest to the truth. Clean forms, raw materials, neutral colors … The Scandinavian origin of Lapka sensors is well marked, and this is what stands out most in the landscape of smart health connected objects. At a time of high-tech bidding where the Quantified self (the famous fashion of smart health connected measurement tools) is endowed with increasingly complex ergonomics to illustrate its technological superiority, Russian society has opted for simplicity and we appreciate it. A design that wants to be elementary but that could mislead buyers. It’s that, unlike their physical appearance, Lapka sensors are really nothing superfluous.

A “healthy talisman”

Distributed by G&C Distribution and purchasable on many platforms, this smart health connected environmental analyzer is the work of the Russian company Lapka. The fact of gathering all these sensors in a single reduced size object was the will of the company. Vadik Marmeladov, its co-founder and creative director, says, “We want to be the rabbit foot we keep on us every day to make sure everything is fine. It’s like a talisman that keeps you safe. “

This new kind of talisman therefore includes detectors of radiation, electromagnetic fields, humidity, temperature or organic quality of food. Each sensor is independent but can be nested with the others to avoid losing them, and each can be smart health connected to the headphone jack on your iPhone. If it is clear that the gesture is admirable, as well as the technique (the Geiger counter used to detect radiation is really tiny), it must be admitted that few people care about the ambient radiation rate or worry about overexposure to the electromagnetic fields of our household appliances. And that, Lapka knows because, according to Marmeladov, it is the will of the firm to make its users aware of the invisible things that surround us. This sensor pack therefore presents itself as a tool for connecting with the world as well as a journal of our environment. You have to admit that no one had ever thought about it yet.

One device, four sensors

And in practice then, what does it give? To answer it, let’s look at this new tool and unpack it. The rectangles and wooden cubes that make up the device are actually four singular devices, which you can separate from others by envy. Each room has its own cord which can be plugged into the jack of any iOS device (from iPhone to iPad, including iPod Touch). The Apple application allowing you to use this information is available free of charge, allowing you to carry out an environmental assessment from any of your Apple devices. Another advantage: the application does not only present a list of abstract figures, it tells consumers if the rates found are dangerous to their health and what their concrete effects are on the body.

If the Lapka Set includes all four sensors that we are exhibiting, each of them can be purchased and used separately from the others. Let’s study them instead:

A good humidity detector can reach 150 euros, while this Lapka sensor barely exceeds 80 euros. And since just measuring humidity is a pretty monotonous activity, it also includes an integrated thermometer. This is to accurately measure the temperature and humidity level of the place where you live, work or sleep. Ideal for rooms that fear infiltration, wine cellars or bedrooms, for which these factors are important.

Lapka Humidity

In reality, the Lapka Radiation is just a standard Geiger counter. The difference is that it is much smaller and also a little slower. If the result can take a little more than two minutes to appear, the device collects extremely precise information on the nature of the radioactive particles around us and their possible effects on the organism. However, no need to hide that this is probably the analyzer that will be the least useful to you in everyday life, since few situations involve any degree of radiation. It can always be interesting to use in a connection with the environment.

Lapka Radiation

EMF stands for Electro Magnetic Fields, or Electromagnetic Fields. This is indeed the usefulness of this sensor, which is intended to help you detect the frequency of the electromagnetic waves around you. At a time when high-tech devices are invading our homes, this question is really beginning to arise. The waves analyzed come in two groups: low frequencies (chargers, power lines, washing machines) which are measured in microtesla, and high frequencies (mobile phones, microwave ovens) which are expressed in volts / meter . The difference is important because generally, this kind of analyzer are specialized only in one wavelength. It can therefore help you find the places in your health home that are least exposed to this kind of pollution, whether it is for doing your yoga or installing your baby’s room.

It’s probably the most intriguing sensor in this pack. Its goal: to determine if your fruits or vegetables are truly organic. To do this, the detector is fitted with both a probe to be planted in the food (raw and vegetable obligatorily) and a cable to connect to your iPhone. The sensor will Review the ionic conductivity of the fruit / vegetable and deduce the concentration of nitrate, caused by the use of synthetic fertilizers (nitrogen-based). Lapka analyzes all this information and transfers the results to your phone, allowing you to know if the fruit you have in your hands comes from a natural culture. If you’ve always been puzzled by the organic label of plant products, you can always check for yourself, with supporting evidence and live.

Lapka Organic

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Lapka Personal Environment Monitor Set for iPhone - Humidity


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