creation of the regional support group for the development of e-health (Grades)


The Grades is responsible for "promoting the use of e-health" and "providing Corsica with the services essential for the exchange of secure and reliable information sharing," it said.

Its roadmap plans to "massively deploy telemedicine and offer digital coordination services for health, liberal, medico-social and social players".

The Grades must also "offer digital health services facilitating communication and coordination between all professionals for the benefit of users (…) in order to prevent or avoid breaks in the careers of patients including the chronically ill, the elderly or with a disability or very precarious. "

The base team of Grades is funded by ARS on a contractual basis, it said.

The public interest group (GIP) is made up of 46 members, including the health cooperation group (GCS) SIRS-Co (Corsican regional health information system).

The chairman of its board of directors is Dr Jean Canarelli, CEO of the private establishment Clinisud d'Ajaccio.

Dr. Antoine Grisoni, president of the regional union of health professionals (URPS) liberal physicians, and Serge Linale, technical director of GCS SIRS-Co, are vice-presidents.

Alain Husselstein, who was the "prefigurative director" since September 2024, is appointed director of Grades.


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