Ski well in the warm with the SKI Fit 360 simulator


Want to ski in shorts and tank top? Go down the legendary slopes, go freeriding and slalom without the risk of injury? The SKI Fit 360 simulator is the solution.

ski fit 360 simulator

The SKI Fit 360 simulator

Developed over two years, the 360 ​​connect studio that created it received the technology award at the Montage 2013 party. Today it presents its SKI Fit 360 simulator.

To immerse ourselves in the most difficult ski slopes, this simulator has everything planned. It allows us to descend 3D tracks slalom or slaloms, freerides or simply mythical tracks, filmed thanks to an on-board interactive camera.

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<p><noscript><img decoding=Once launched on this simulator, you can compete with champions skiing or for the more modest, his friends smart health connected who will also have the opportunity to descend the slopes warm on their device.

Unlike most simulators, here there is no question of wearing Oculus Rift glasses, you can slalom lightly looking only at the screen facing you.

A ski slope for sports

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<p><noscript><img decoding=This year, the SKI Fit 360 simulator is not only available for presentations at events. In 2023, 2023 at the latest, it will be delivered within Fitness clubs wanting to build your calves and glutes by making you slalom.

We will also find it in sports shops, it will then allow you to really try on your shoes in order to verify that, in action too, they suit you perfectly.

Finally, it is expected that it will be found in the ski resorts, hotels and clubs but also in ski schools and clubs, a less frightening way to get started on the slopes.

No indication is therefore provided as to a possible increase in the prices of your sports halls to make the purchase profitable since the price of the device itself is not given.

It does not seem more envisaged to make you benefit from the joys of sliding 365 days a year by installing it in the middle of your living room … Only one sale to specific professionals is being considered.

jean baptiste grance silmulator ski fit 360

A simulator like it exists in other disciplines. However, it seems effective and realistic given the number of professionals who seem to train on it when the snow is fleeing our mountains. For the most passionate, Jean Baptiste Grange (photo above), Steve Missilier, Adrien Théaux have already entered their score on the board, it's up to you to beat them! A good compromise between ehealth games and real sport but which will undoubtedly never be worth the pleasure of eating snow during a good real fall! The surfing world understands this, they don't use simulators but smart health connected boards that you have to use in the water!


 AB Smart Health


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