Unicancer opens an information site on the reuse of health data


The reference methodology (MR) 004 of the National Commission for Data Protection (Cnil) has provided that personal data collected for research purposes can be reused without the patient being informed, provided that the latter has been informed of this possibility reuse, we remember.

MR 004 also provides "the possibility for research organizations to create a unique information medium to which the patient can refer if he wishes to learn about the subsequent uses of data concerning him," said Unicancer.

The "My health data" site has implemented this possibility by making it possible to discover studies reusing Review data promoted by the federation.

It "provides patients with regular updates on the use of their personal data," said Jean-Yves Blay, president of Unicancer.

To access this information, you must indicate the name of the establishment where the patient was treated, the type of tumor, the year, the sponsor of the trial and his name.

If the data has been reused, the name of the study, its objectives, the category of data used and its origin are indicated.

It is also possible to know the population that has been the subject of research or the use of data, the legal basis for re-use, the recipients of the data, the date of launching of the research and the duration of data storage. .

A form also makes it possible to contact the data controller in order to request information on the study, on data processing or to exercise their rights, in particular rectification, opposition or erasure.

Other institutions, such as the Public Assistance-Hospitals of Paris (AP-HP), have launched information platforms on the reuse of data, we recall.

The "My health data" site


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