Clarity, the special asthmatic portable smart health connected air sensor

Clarity, a smart health connected air sensor capable of providing us with the quality of what we breathe in real time. It thus indicates to us when to go to play our sport or provides invaluable information to our leaders on the pollution caused by their constructions and factories.

A smart health connected air sensor intended for a specific population

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<p><noscript><img decoding=Students from the University of Berkeley have developed a portable device able to measure air pollution including a calculation of particles, volatile organic compounds, nitrogen dioxide and ammonia. This device also measures temperature and humidity.

Clarity uses sensors that work like pollution detectors. On the same principle as a ball which would shine by reflecting outside light, this particular object lights up according to the particles in the air.

Clarity can be attached to all types of objects (bag, bike, belt buckle) thanks to its clip system or be affixed fixedly to measure the air quality at health home or in the office.

This company is primarily aimed at parents of young children, athletes and people with respiratory problems in China. But he is already considered other markets : India, Mexico and other places where pollution is a major concern and where such a smart health smart health connected object is likely to have a real impact on the health of its users.

“We also want to make Clarity available to asthmatics living in the United States or Europe whose health conditions are directly linked to air pollution. ”says project founder Hannah Hagen

Thanks to the smartphone application, users can have access to real time of the alerts and pollution level, notifications on safest hours to be outside or go for a physical activity that requires breath.

No price is not currently available but the brand already offers pre-book your capteur of air smart health connected to its site.

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<p><noscript><img decoding=This team hopes that the widespread adoption of their purpose and the data collected may be the source of new perspectives that governments could use to take action.

If enough Clarity sensors were used, it would be possible to generate an accurate air quality model at the level of each city and district and thus plan more suitable measures. This would allow us to know where the highest pollution peaks are and what is the real effect of large buildings in this area. It could also divert car traffic onto other streets or shut down factories on busy days.

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<p><noscript><img decoding=If taking on continuous air pollution seems worthy of the greatest obsessive neurotics, for your writer as sporty as asthmatic, this device appears as magnificent and magical as the Holy Gral was for King Arthur ! The last peak of pollution having forced her to a heavy treatment, she would have liked to be informed before the twenty-four hours of latency that put the newspapers to tell him that she should avoid leaving her house! A vital object for the diminished lungs! Next step, an object that would also give us which grasses are out in order to plan its oxygen mask before going for a walk.

Clarity application - portable air sensor



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