Embrace: the anti-epilepsy bracelet

Embrace is Empatica’s new smart health bracelet capable of predicting seizures.

Empatica, a Italian start-up joined forces with Professor Rosalind Picard of the MIT Media Lab and the Epilepsy association to create a bracelet able to prevent epileptic seizures.

Medical or design?

Of course, this bracelet is primarily intended for people with epilepsy but by its Italian design and elegance, it can please anyone who wants to closely monitoring their stress level, heart rate

Its slap strap is made of refined Italian leather and the ring of the frame provides a play of light to either just display the time or display vital data. The battery is rechargeable and Empatica promises to last more than a week.

Embrace Bracelet

Thanks to 3 sensors positioned under its frame, the bracelet is capable of monitoring the body temperature among other things and therefore helps us sleep better, manage stress better, detect attacks in the worst case.

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empatica embrace application

Financing made in Indiegogo

To finance this project, Empatica launched a fundraising campaign on Indiegogo mid-November. The campaign ends January 21, 2015 and has already exceeded its target of $ 100,000 (approximately € 82,000) by 336%. This is not surprising, given that the start-up offers a bracelet to a sick child with each purchase. What tenderize potential investors and give them a good conscience. Its promo price is $ 189 (about 155 €) and then it will go to $ 199 (around € 163).

Embrace little girl

Embrace is part of the tide of bracelets smart health connected to health surveillance. Admittedly, it has added value with the attack detector, but will that be enough to be up to the competition? In general, the accumulation of utilities does not guarantee good quality.

Sources: Indiegogo, The Digital Factory


Originally posted 2020-02-01 13:59:26.

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