SleepIQ Kids, the bed that spies on children's sleep

We already told you about the gravity-e-bedconnect smart health connected mattress, here, it's a whole new level. The SleepIQ Kids is not only a smart health connected bed, it is also a scalable and intelligent bed.

The Functions of SleepIQ Kids

SleepIQ read

The purpose of this bed is to help parents of young children better understand their sleep, thereimpact of their habits on their nights and the ways to make their more effective rest times.

In order to optimize bedtime, the application allows you to guide and coach children before they sleep. For Annie Bloomquist, vice president and production manager of Sleep Number, the company behind the product, “the SleepIQ Kids bed transforms bedtime into quality time, where you can have fun and live a pleasant experience. It shows parents and children how to acquire good sleep habits with tips to guide and coach. All of this helps give the kids a good night's sleep so they can be the best they can be tomorrow. ”

The dashboard of the application allows you to connect all the beds in the health home to give a overview on the quality of family sleep. A system of notation lets you know the quality of their comfort. In addition, the bed adapts to needs children as they grow, they can choose to become firmer.

It is possible to raise the head of the bed to help the child have better posture while reading.

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<p><noscript><img decoding=If the child gets out of bed or has a restless sleep, the parents receive a alert on their phone. Conversely, if the child's night has been peaceful and meets his needs, he will be rewarded via the app with a star.

This bed lets you know when the child sleeps deeply and therefore when it’s possible to turn off the lights. A fortiori, the use of a night light is no longer useful since if the child gets up in the middle of the night, a light under the bed will light it up.

Finally, a little game for children, the smartphone turns into monster detector and exterminator under the bed.

SleppIQ monster

Bed technology

The SleepIQ Kids is equipped with various sensors which allow to know the breathing average of her child, her heartbeat and his movements.

The ultimate goal of this technology is to guide the child towards better sleep habits so that it permeates them for life. If parents are watching over it when young, society believes that as they age, children will have to self-manage and control their sleep themselves.

The bed adapts to cope with growth spurts, needs, comfort and alignment of the child's spine.

SleepIQ bedroom

This bed will be available in the during the year on their website and in American stores priced at around $ 1,000, 860 euros to say the least.

A bed which, if only because of its ability to get up when you read and alert parents when you get up, useful. However, many questions are raised by the SleepIQ Kids … First, in case of abnormal breathing or heart rate, are the parents informed? What does the bed adapt to during a growth spurt? size or need to strengthen bones …?

To better understand the impact of the day on sleep, should we imagine a day drinking hot chocolate and a day drinking orange juice to make the comparison? What children will enjoy spending the bedtime talking to their mom about the restless night before or getting up from bed because of course we forgot to go to the bathroom before going to bed? Even more ambitious, growing up, how many young people will favor sleep over their social life, fabulous application or not?



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