H2 is the world's smallest blood pressure monitoring, and it provides complicated and annoying monitoring for all people with hypertension.
What you will learn
Hypertension, a public health problem
If we are to believe the O.M.S., hypertension is a global health problem. Each year she kills about 9 million people.
But monitoring and fighting high blood pressure is not an easy thing.
H2 has found it, and offers a discreet and easy to use bracelet, for people with hypertension
A pocket blood pressure monitoring
No need to carry your bulky tension monitoring with you, H2 is a bracelet like all smart health connected bracelets on the market. Just press the button located next to the screen, to press your wrist against the bracelet for 20 seconds, and voila.
Even if simplicity can make the reliability of the results suspicious, clinical tests have proven the product reliability.
You can track your measurements on your Smartphone or computer, but the smallest blood pressure monitoring in the world is also self-sufficient.
Your health partner
The main remedy for hypertension remains good nutrition, weight loss if necessary, and regular physical activity.
And it’s not H2 that will tell you the opposite since it integrates both an activity tracker, allows you via its application to track your meals and calories, as well as your weight curve.
It is also possible to enter the number of cigarettes smoked during the day in order to monitoring its consumption and why not reduce it (in the case of hypertension, it is highly recommended).
Plus his application is able to to advise you, from you remember to be physically active if you’ve been inactive for too long, and finally let you know when it’s time for your medication.
A subscription required
The bracelet is of a sober design, and exists in 6 colors if you want to add some color to your life. If you take care of your look to the tips of your nails, the bracelet can be easily changed to match your outfit of the day.
Connectivity side, H2 synchronizes via bluetooth but no specific information to date on the compatibility of the dedicated application.
The product is on sale at a price of $ 179 (147 euros) with a one year subscription to the tracking service.
Because yes that is the negative point, buying the bracelet will not be enough, you will also have to subscribe to the service in order to benefit from monitoring via the application and the computer.
The release is scheduled for june 2015.
source: eboow.com