Google Glass remains a hope for autistic children

Google had announced the temporary cessation of its Google Glass to review certain things to reach a wider audience. The firm was very clear, it was not a final stop, only an overhaul to come back in force. If in the minds of many, Google just didn't want to admit its failure, for Ned Sahin, they remain a hope.

His concept

Ned Sahin is the creator of the recent Brain Power start-up. Its goal : help autistic children. For him, Google Glass is a hope in the advancement of his battle.

Its concept is give information to autistic children about the interactions of the world around them. Google Glass is therefore the intermediary between the autistic child and the world. For example, smart glasses could provide information on what to do when meeting someone.

Google Glass still used and supplied

Ian Shakir is the CEO of the company, which provides an app for Google Glass that allows doctors to access and manage a patient’s medical record. He explains to Wired “We still have free access to resources and support around Google Glass.” On top of that, according to him Google would still provide them with glasses.

A future for Google Glass?

“People like to go after Google Glassbecause they are too much of this, or not enough of that, or because they have not restored peace to the worldregrets Ned Sahin. "But it is still a mature device, quite comparable to other smart health connected accessories that other companies offer today" He continues.

Google Glass therefore has fervent defenders who may well bring them a future and new development challenges.



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