smart health connected capsules for soccer players


For several weeks, some FC Nantes players have tried smart health connected capsules to swallow. The goal, measure their temperature.

Thermoregulation is an important factor in high performance sport. Indeed, an athlete's ability to regulate his internal temperature is a recovery factor. Thus, ideally, we should be able to measure this regulation to learn how to manage it better. Only problem, running with a thermometer under the armpit, or elsewhere is not practical. For this reason, 10 FC Nantes volunteer players agreed to swallow smart health connected capsules during the last Ligue 1 games.

From the size of a tablet to anything more classic, this capsule includes an electronic sensor whose role is simple: take the temperature of the player. This is recorded in real time, stored in the capsule and then transmitted to a large box after the match by wireless communication. "We wanted to see the thermoregulation of a football player during a competitive match, which had never been done. This is a first try that deserves to be deepened, as it is not enough to draw definitive conclusions. But the results were interesting“, Explains Philippe Daguillon, the physiotherapist of FC Nantes. Sébastien Moussay, co-founder of BodyCap, the famous capsule, explains that “in football as in many sports, either it is prohibited or it is impossible to carry equipment with you. Our device allows you to do this because the capsule being swallowed, it presents no danger to the user". As for how the players evacuate the device, we let you imagine…



 AB Smart Health


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