1,440 health establishments preselected for the Hop'EN program (DGOS)


Endowed with 420 million euros, the Hop'EN program (Digital hospital open to its environment) succeeded the Digital hospital program to support the modernization of hospital information systems (HIS) over the period 2018-2022, recalls -we.

In all, 2,430 health establishments appeared, or 76% of establishments registered in the Observatory of Health Information Systems (oSIS), said Caroline Le Gloan, head of the Information Systems Office the care offer at DGOS.

"We have received 6,589 files and retained 1,712," she said.

"The establishments are positioned on two or three areas of the program on average". There are 1,440 preselected establishments, "which corresponds to almost half of the health establishments in France".

Hop'EN is based on four prerequisites (identities and movements -P1-, security -P2-, confidentiality -P3- and exchange and sharing -P4) and seven priority functional areas which must be achieved at the end of the program.

The seven areas are:

  • share imaging, biology and pathology results (D1)
  • develop the computerized and interoperable patient record and the shared medical record (DMP) (D2)
  • computerize the prescription for the care plan (D3)
  • program resources and share the patient agenda (D4)
  • manage its medico-economic activity (D5)
  • communicate and exchange with partners (D6)
  • provide online services to users and patients (D7).

The two "most coveted" areas are D2 with 1,679 responses, or 25% of the total and D6 with 1,229 responses (19%), said Caroline Le Gloan.

The D2 area is the one that receives the largest part of funding: 217 million euros, more than half of the Hop'EN envelope (52%), she also underlined. Follow the area D6 with 17% of the funds (70 million euros), then D1 (11%), D3 (9%), D5 and D4 (4% each) and D7 (3%).

The 1,440 preselected health establishments are distributed as follows: 680 public establishments (47%), 435 private for-profit establishments (30%), 309 private non-profit establishments (22%) and 16 cancer centers ( PBC, 1%).

The majority (64%) of the program's funding will go to public institutions, said Caroline Le Gloan.

The rest will be divided between private for-profit establishments (24%), private non-profit establishments (11%) and CLCCs (1%). "This distribution of funding corresponds to the combined activity by type of establishment," she said.

"The preselected establishments will have to reach the objectives in time to benefit from the funding," explained the director general of care, Katia Julienne, who spoke at the opening of the day.

The total envelope allocated to each establishment is 20% at start-up and 80% at use.

Funding will come "on the fly," said Caroline Le Gloan. The preselected establishments are invited to "get closer to the Hop'EN referents in the regional health agencies (ARS), because it is the ARS who manage the files".

"We see that this funding responds well to the needs of institutions," commented Caroline Le Gloan. "We are aware that this is not yet enough, but Hop'EN is not our only program."

In June 2024, the National Agency for Support to the Performance of Health and Medico-Social Establishments (Anap) published a toolbox to help meet the program's prerequisites, said Caroline Le Gloan.

Katia Julienne described Hop'EN as "ambitious and necessary". "In the hospital, IT is still too much a matter for technicians. We must continue to provide quality computerization" built with healthcare professionals and manufacturers, "she said.


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