[Versus] The smart health connected blood pressure monitoring, a real plus?

The madness of smart health connected objects invests health and the big brands are getting into it. We looked at the question of blood pressure monitors by comparing the BM85 from Beurer, smart health connected to the non-smart health connected blood pressure monitoring from Braun, the BP 6200.

Design and ergonomics

A relatively subjective question certainly. A blood pressure monitoring is not made to look good, but we are forced to recognize that Beurer's device is much more pleasing to the eye. In terms of the contents of the package, the Braun marks a point with two armbands allowing for a much wider gauge support from 22 cm to 42 cm around the arm, compared to 22 to 36 cm only for the Beurer device.

In terms of ergonomics, the menus are much nicer on the Beurer side than Braun, however both have a bar that allows you to locate your result, from very good to worrying. It’s very practical and well thought out. For the rest of the use, simplicity is there. Just connect the cuff to the product, press a button and all the results are visible. Beurer still walks slightly ahead with the integration of touch buttons.

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<h3 style=>> Round winner: Beurer BM 85


The Braun blood pressure monitoring is complete. Each time you take your blood pressure, it shows your systolic, diastolic and pulse rates. It is possible to have an average for three different durations: average of the whole day, the last 7 mornings and the last 7 evenings. It is also possible to register two different users with 60 different memory readings for each of the two users. A graphical function also allows you to follow in a more visual way. Not much to blame him for, it produces satisfactory results and allows regular monitoring for all those who wish.

Edit : It is now possible to enter all the data manually in an application. Still, this task is quite tedious compared to the Bluetooth models which synchronize everything automatically.

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<figcaption id=Just connect the cuff to the blood pressure monitoring and voila

Beurer's model has the same functionality. There is systolic pressure, diastolic pressure as well as the pulse on the screen and the possibility of registering two different users. The contribution of connectivity, despite what one might think, is a real plus for the product. Everything is sent to an application using Bluetooth simply by pressing the central button after taking the voltage. The application gives you the result, but also allows you to follow the evolution and also gives you the necessary indications to understand the results. A graphic is also available directly on your smartphone. We are talking about the application here, but you should know that it is suitable for a whole host of other smart health connected objects of the brand. It thus combines all the results of the other products. You will understand, if having a product listed on the application is nice, the idea is to live with a smart health connected health ecosystem. On this side, no doubts possible, the smart health connected blood pressure monitoring wins the round.

>> Round winner: Beurer BM85

The price

If you could think that the Beurer smart health connected blood pressure monitoring would be much more expensive, it is ultimately nothing. It is available at 80 euros on the net while the Braun BP 6200 is 65 euros. For 15 euros, the additional features are really worth it.

>> Round winner: Beurer BM85

Verdict: Beurer BM85 vs Braun BP6200?

Whether it's Braun like Beurer, both offer two quality products, easy to use and affordable. We advise you, the question remains, is the smart health connected blood pressure monitoring worth it, the answer is a big yes! So if you really had to choose between the two, it would be Beurer who would win the match.

Buy the 2 blood pressure monitors tested in this versus

Beurer BM85 at € 79.99 at Amazon

Braun BP6200 at € 64.35 on Amazon


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