As Bitkom Research notes, one in two Internet users google their symptoms of illness and read online reviews of doctors, hospitals, care facilities, rehabilitation clinics, etc.
Almost half of readers of online reviews say that it influences the opinion of other patients when deciding which doctors or medical institutions to visit. Almost one in three even states that evaluations of doctors or medical facilities on the Internet are just as valuable to them as personal recommendations from family or friends. These are the results Bitkom Researchwho surveyed 783 Internet users aged 14 and over on behalf of the Digital Association Bitkom e.V. Accordingly, women (49 percent) are slightly more interested than men (41 percent) in the online reviews of doctors, hospitals etc. There are hardly any differences in the age groups.
Especially women over 65 look for symptoms of illness on the Internet
Internet research on symptoms of illness is also particularly popular with women. 61 percent of female Internet users have googled the signs of illness before, compared to 46 percent of men. Above all, people aged 65 and over (60 percent) search the Internet for information on diseases. In the group of 50 to 64 year olds it is 52 percent, in the 30 to 49 year olds 51 percent and in the 14 to 29 year olds 55 percent. 26 percent of internet users have researched symptoms of illness on the internet several times, 16 percent of them even frequently. Only 12 percent say they have only googled once after a symptom of illness.
Photo: © / racorn