To reduce administrative tasks, Nancy hospital relies on voice recognition


Few months ago, The Digital Factory presented the voice recognition tool "Dragon Medical" developed by Nuance Communications. Last hospital to date to deploy it: the Regional and University Hospital Center (CHRU) of Nancy, which has just announced that it has been fully using this device since the beginning of January 2023. This implementation was done within the framework of a digital transformation plan focused on "the end of paper". The aim is to reduce the administrative tasks of medical secretaries and doctors.

Release medical secretaries from "hitting"

Initially, the information systems department (DSI) of the hospital establishment focused its efforts on the profession of medical secretary. The objective was to relieve the 550 medical secretaries of the CHRU of appointments and "free them from striking occupying 30% of their time"Now integrating voice recognition would allow them to"devote himself to welcoming the patient and helping the doctor", reveals Jean-Christophe Calvo, head of the territorial department for digital transformation and biomedical engineering at the Nancy University Hospital.

In a second step, the CHRU wanted to focus on the administrative tasks of the doctors, who would occupy up to 30% of their day. Tests were carried out by a handful of doctors and today, it is 270 CHRU practitioners who use voice recognition to, for example, produce the liaison letter made compulsory after hospitalization. Concretely, Dragon Medical captures voice information on a workstation, stores it in the cloud and integrates it into the computerized patient record.

Deploy this tool in a wider scope

Seduced by voice recognition, the Nancy CHRU intends to extend the use of this tool to the scope of the Groupement Hospitalier com Territoire (GHT) Sud Lorraine. "If we can align our tools and give our doctors the same working environment throughout the country, we will have taken a big step towards quality, the working comfort of professionals and patient satisfaction", concluded Jean-Christophe Calvo.

Nancy's CHRU is not the first medical player to use voice recognition to rationalize tasks with low added value. Nuance Communications has 18,000 professional customers in France and 500,000 worldwide, mainly in the hospital sector.


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