Digitalization in healthcare study: Clinic managers see great potential


The study "Digitization in the Healthcare Industry" by the personnel consultancy Rochus Mummert shows that the managers of German hospitals have high hopes for the digitization of the healthcare system.

Smaller clinics in particular want to further expand their offerings through telemedicine. Likewise, many believe that digital technologies help them retain patients and optimize cross-institutional processes. More than 80 percent of those surveyed are convinced that duplicate or unnecessary examinations and treatments can be better avoided in the future. 71 percent expect digitalization to improve patient care, 67 percent more efficient operations and treatments, and 64 percent cost savings.

97 percent of the respondents consider the digital storage of patient data to be particularly useful. 86 percent also find digitalization appropriate for medical diagnostics and for controlling the inpatient treatment process. Find 62 percent the most important thing is the electronic patient record. In comparison, other topics such as networking with third parties, use of mobile devices or telemedical solutions only play a subordinate role.

According to those responsible for the clinic, the biggest hurdles to digitization are insufficient financial resources (72 percent), lack of support from payers and politicians (64 percent), and insufficient knowledge among managers (51 percent). In contrast, just under 40 percent of the institutions surveyed have a cross-company digital strategy. The survey took place between January and March 2018 under a total of 362 managers in German hospitals and care facilities.


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