The artists of tomorrow may no longer need to get their hands dirty. Scientists at Imperial College London have designed a system for painting using a robotic arm, controlled by the eyes.
To direct the arm and guide the brush on the canvas, the artist will especially have to master the art ofadjust his gaze and discipline his blinking so that these happen at the right time. So that the arm could move at the whim of the painter's mirrors, scientists smart health connected it to a gaze tracking system. We can therefore imagine that it will be quite possible, in the long term, to paint his canvas quietly while eating his bowl of cereal or his midday steak.
Obviously, this project goes further than the simple fact of being able to create a painting with one's gaze. Still in its raw state, it should be intuitive enough to help its users do several things at the same time. Furthermore, this system could greatly facilitate the life of paralyzed people.