Shapeheart, an armband between practicality and cardio sensor


A magnetic pocket and a cardiac sensor. Shapeheart, an armband currently featured on Kickstarter, might just be the accessory you need to go out running with pleasure.

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A more precise heart sensor

We told you about it at CES 2023. Shapeheart, the armband that turns your smartphone into a cardiologist has now arrived on Kickstarter. If you like to run with music then you probably already have a pocket to hang your phone around the arm. And if you need to monitoring your heart rate, it's likely that a bracelet or smart health watch is around your wrist. Why not combine the two objects into one accessory? This is Shapeheart's promise.

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<p style=It is primarily a cuff on which you can attach a magnetic pocket in which you can insert your phone safely. Then you just need to integrate the sensor (with an estimated autonomy of around 24 hours) to have access to your heart rate. You will receive at regular intervals your heart rate with precision but also impressive reactivity. "It is the same sensor as a watch but it allows to obtain much more precise measurements because it is worn closer to the trunk and in a more adjusted way", explains Antoine Schwoob, co-founder of Shapeheart to our absmarthealth colleagues. Finally, the service has not developed an application to allow you to continue using the one you are used to. It will therefore suffice to adjust the existing parameters.

Shapeheart has already reached his goals on Kickstarter

armband connects shapeheart heart sensor

Note that the American brand Avia had already positioned itself on the same type of product for 2025. However, these are only available in the United States. More generally, cardio sensors are generally more integrated into a watch, bracelet or accessory that is less practical to wear. Shapeheart's bet is twofold. Combine an accessory allowing you to carry your phone while having a real follow-up from a health point of view.

Shapeheart is a real hit on Kickstarter. Launched on May 16 on the crowdfunding platform, it reached its goal of € 35,000 on May 22. Currently, more than € 44,000 has already been raised thanks to the support of 500 contributors. If you want to participate, you still have 24 days left. Tariff level, if you only want support for your phone, count 39 €. The version with the cardiac sensor is available from 69 €. The final sale price will be around € 100. Deliveries are scheduled from November 2023. You can purchase it in black and red.

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Sources & credits
Source: – Credit: Shapeheart


 AB Smart Health


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