Since new smart health connected technologies in the health field are all the rage, what do you think of also connecting your pregnancy with First Response?
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Don't worry, the moment when you will urinate on your smartphone has not yet arrived! Even if we are not very far …
A pregnancy Review combined with an application
The First Response brand has launched a pregnancy Review smart health connected to an application available on Android and iOS. The purpose of this object is on the one hand to reduce women's stress during their tests, and on the other hand, to provide a digital result, simplified and personalized based on your results.
How does First Response work?
Once the Review has started, launch the First Response app. It will automatically synchronize with the latter via Bluetooth, and vWe will notify by notification on your smartphone of the result, after 3 minutes. The app, in a logic of appeasement, will take advantage of these 3 minutes for you loosen with images, music or videos. It will also give you information about the fertility and pregnancy, to provide both relevant and reassuring information.
The result is displayed both on the First Response Review and on the application, password protected. The application also remembers previous attempts. In case of negative result, the app can give you advice on your cycle, or provide you with information regarding fertility for example. In case of positive result, she will give you the estimated term of your pregnancy, as well as the stages concerning it, the growth of your future baby, or even suggestions of questions to your doctors or your reminders of prenatal appointments.
A smart health connected pregnancy to simplify its acceptance and its journey. What reassure all future mothers in the approach of this new stage of life!
Towards a smart health connected pregnancy
Wearables, smart health connected bracelets and other watches take into account a large number of data concerning you. Indeed, by keeping data like your your heart rate or the calories you burn, your smart health bracelet could very well determine whether you are pregnant or not.
This is how David, a New Yorker, learned of the pregnancy of his wife, Yvonne. After observing strange data on his wife's FitBit, he first thought it was defective, only to find that the results were simply unusual. After explanations, they discovered that Yvonne was actually two months pregnant. A nice surprise for the couple.
The heart rate is not a 100% sure indicator to testify to a pregnancy or not, but the hormonal changes in a woman often translate as well. He could therefore inform you about a possible pregnancy.
A new way of looking at pregnancies and their follow-up is on the way!