Announced last April by the Minister of Solidarity and Health, Agnès Buzyn during the presentation of the digital health roadmap, the transformation of the DSSIS into DNS should make it possible to "strengthen governance in health", recalls- your.
"A ministerial delegate for digital health is hereby established with the ministers responsible for health, social action and social security", appointed by decree, on the proposal of these ministers, states the text.
The ministerial delegate "is responsible, in collaboration with the departments concerned, for defining and implementing the digital health strategy".
The delegation notably has authority over the Digital Health Agency (ANS), which replaces the Agency for Shared Health Information Systems (Asip Santé), we recall.
The decree details the missions of the DNS:
- "propose the orientations of the digital health policy and the actions allowing to guarantee its coherence and ensure its promotion with all the actors concerned"
- "propose an annual roadmap and identify the means necessary to achieve it"
- "ensure or (…) supervise the management of digital transformation projects in health"
- "ensuring or (…) ensuring the coordination of the actions of the State services, regional health agencies (ARS), national health insurance bodies, agencies, authorities and public bodies involved in the field of digital health, health services and establishments, medico-social services and establishments and the National Solidarity Fund for Autonomy (CNSA) for the implementation of the national digital health policy "
- "ensure", for each digital transformation site, "the implementation of consultation or information adapted from national and territorial actors" and digital actors in health "
- "represent the State within the public interest group" responsible for the implementation of the shared medical file (DMP)
- "orient and coordinate the action at European and international level of the services and bodies placed under the authority (of ministers responsible for social affairs), in the fields of digital technologies and information systems"
- "exercise the responsibility of the Minister responsible for health in the public health information service".
The text also transforms the information systems directorate (DSI) of the ministries responsible for social affairs into "digital directorate".
Its mission is in particular to "advise" and "support" the digital transformation of departments "in order to develop simplification, performance and the offer of new services to the public", and to ensure, in connection with the ARS, " the design and management of their shared information systems. "
In addition, this decree entrusts the general secretariat of the social ministries with the task of carrying out specific support, advice and expertise actions for the ARS, "mainly located overseas". He also created with the general secretary a pole devoted to the field "employment, work, vocational training, social cohesion, youth and sports".
We also note the publication in the Official Journal of December 26 of the decree formalizing the appointment of Laura Létourneau as ministerial delegate for digital health.
This mining engineer, graduated from the Ecole nationale supérieure des mines com Paris (ENSMP) in 2013, was a consultant in the "open Internet" unit of Arcep in 2016-2017, before taking the lead of this unit in June 2017.
In November 2018, she was appointed pilot of the digital project for the "My health 2022" strategy by the Ministry of Solidarity and Health, alongside Dominique Pon.
(Official Journal, Saturday December 21, text 17, Thursday, December 26, text 124)