The future of glycemic monitoring by Alphabet and DexCom


Recently Google announced the creation of a parent company, Alphabet, in order to separate the different activities of the research giant. Thus, Google will be refocused on its main search engine activity with many services, while allowing Alphabet to manage various subsidiaries and companies focused on different fields.

Google has already tended, in recent years, to become a conglomerate of different companies and services through the takeover of YouTube, NEST, etc. The new name "Alphabet" should help to clarify the organization of this already massive society, and to refocus the Google name on research and other activities related to the Internet and communication.

Alphabet will include e-health among its activities: in fact, two companies on the theme of health previously attached to Google will become autonomous in this new structure: Calico (a branch specializing in research against aging) and LifeSciences.

LifeSciences is a company to watch closely, because it intends to develop innovative solutions for monitoring the health of tomorrow. Thus, the company signed a partnership with another American firm, DexCom, to imagine the glycemic monitoring devices of the future. LifeSciences brings expertise in electronics and data analysis, while DexCom specializes in the design of medical sensors.

DexCom / Alphabet Glycemic Reader

The aim of this association is to miniaturize the monitoring devices for type 1 diabetes. Type 1 diabetics must in fact constantly monitoring their sugar levels to adjust their insulin intake.

The sensor imagined by the two companies will be the size of a bandage, capable of monitoring blood sugar continuously and offered at a price accessible to all (according to the promises of LifeSciences, let's hope that these come true). This will prevent a person with diabetes from having to prick their finger regularly to take their blood sugar reading.

Through data analysis from this Continuous Glucose monitoring (CGM) sensor, LifeSciences and DexCom will seek to improve treatment for the disease and reduce the costs associated with treating diabetes.

E-health should be one of the most rapidly developing technological fields in the coming years, and Alphabet, the new parent company of Google, seems to be among the pioneers in this field. There are still issues related to data ethics and security that always arise when we touch data with medical significance …



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