At the time of the climate panic, records of atmospheric pollution, some do not hesitate to take out the masks. In the world of smart health connected objects, other less restrictive solutions are beginning to emerge, including Blueair Aware, a smart health connected sensor that analyzes the pollution of your living spaces to better purify them.
The device will available in France from March 21 next after being launched in the United States in 2015. Developed in Sweden, this small sensor agent has the initial objective of monitoring and analyze the quality of the air you breathe every day thanks to its sensors and especially its application available on smartphone and tablet (Android and iOS) connecting Aware by WIFI.
(Embed) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nWgs37oFWCc (/ embed)
Society says they want to be there first “raise awareness about air pollution through information and alerts about the air around you", in indicating the composition of indoor air pollen, viruses, through industrial fumes.
The object is in the form of a 8 cm diameter and 18.5 cm high cylinder, having five different sensors providing information on temperature, humidity, carbon dioxide and fine and volatile particles. The air quality level can be directly viewed on the object thanks to a light bar that can light up under six different levels and change from blue to orange depending on the quality of the air analyzed.
Aware, a far from self-sufficient sensor
If it is presented as an intelligent solution allowing to live in a healthier atmosphere thanks to its analyzes – as could have been for example Table Air or more recently Footbot this sensor does nothing to directly purify the air that you breathe daily.
Aware only really becomes useful for improving the quality of the atmosphere when it is coupled with one of the many purifiers of the Blueair brand, controllable from the same application, the Blueair Sense +, Designed to clean indoor air up to five times an hour and removing up to 99.27% of pollutants in 10 minutes. You just need to connect to it and configure it according to the data collected by Aware to then be able to breathe fresh and purified air.
A price that can make you cough
To get these two devices, do not hesitate to get your hands at the wallet. For 250 euros, you will have the right to Aware sensor (currently out of stock), 50 euros more than for the Footbot air monitoring. To offer you the complete pack with the purifier Sense +, it will take 600 euros at the end (the product is also out of stock) for a total budget of 850 euros.
(Embed) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YDt-8c5y9s4 (/ embed)
Despite its prohibitive price, the combination of the two objects offers a real solution for controlling the quality of the air you breathe every day. In addition, the device which can very well be used for places frequented by people with fragile health, like schools, medical practices, but also retirement homes, which often face pollution due to urbanization.