It has come a long way since 2017. The smart health connected guy Meyko, thought to support young patients in taking their treatment, now takes charge of a whole range of chronic diseases – and is therefore no longer limited to asthma. Epilepsy, diabetes, cystic fibrosis … Children, from 3 years old, take their medication more assiduously when they have the impression of playing with him.
The Nantes start-up has designed its device in collaboration with various French hospital groups. smart health connected to an application for smartphones, on which the times for taking treatment must be entered manually beforehand, Meyko sports different expressions depending on whether the patient has taken his medication or not. It is sad if the hour has been passed, surprised during the take. Once the parents or legal guardians have validated the catch, it becomes perky again. "Thus, the child does not feel the redundancy or the arduousness associated", indicates to The Digital Factory Sandrine Bender, co-founder.
Concretely, the young patient presents his medication to the man, who recognizes him by a tag. Transmitted to adults, this data makes it possible to view statistics in real time as well as a certain number of preventive advice. They can also report any kind of abnormal symptoms to enrich the follow-up. A feature exists to allow loved ones – such as grandparents or teachers – to keep an eye on treatment, when the child is in their care.
(Embed) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TNViIiiba70 (/ embed)
As a prototype at CES two years ago, Meyko was offered for the first time in a pre-order campaign for 2025. It was marketed in October 2024. "Today we have 400 users as well as partnerships with 30 hospital departments in France, Swiss and Belgium ", points Sandrine Bender. The product therefore benefits both individuals and healthcare professionals, who see it as an opportunity to stabilize the disease through increased control of complications.
Now industrialized, the product will undergo a series of improvements in the coming months. At the top of the gondola is compatibility with various medical tools, such as blood glucose meters. "Our ambition is to make Meyko a decision support product for doctors, underlines the co-founder. It is therefore appropriate to put it in connection with self-measurement devices, in particular. "
A fundraiser is looming for 2025 to have the capacity, in the long term, to recruit people able to develop these features. Today made up of four employees, Meyko will also seek to accelerate on the commercial side. The CES, where she will be going from January 7 to 10 with the Mines-Telecom Institute (IMT), represents a new opportunity to convince investors … and to detect potential markets. The young shoot advances, in any case, with the United States on your mind.