You will soon be able to use more than one Fitbit at a time


The startup has just announced an update that will allow multiple brand products to be used on the same account simultaneously. Interesting, but what is the goal?

Fitbit CEO revealed in conversation with Techcrunch that his company was aimed to sell more than one product per person. He believes that this will be possible in some cases, and that the possibility of using several activity sensors in the same account will meet certain user needs.

In the workplace, for example, a person might not want to use the Fitbit Surge and opt for a watch with a more traditional design. With this update, he will be able to wear a Zip during the day, collect his data and don the Surge at the start of his training session and collect more interesting data than with the Zip (GPS, heart rate, etc.).

The update should arrive in the week, it will also support cycling sessions for the Fitbit Surge. You can find our Review of the Fibtit Charge HR, the brand new smart health connected bracelet.


 AB Smart Health


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