Google Glass wants to support children with autism


In recent months, Google has favored a B2B approach for its smart health connected glasses. It was in a study in Stanford Medical Laboratories that Google Glass would be used to help children with autism recognize emotions.

The "Autism Glass Project" led by three researchers from the prestigious Stanford University between this week in phase 2, and tests should be conducted on a population of 100 children. The goal is to develop a solution that makes it easier to manage autism at health home. The application available on Google Glass aims to teach the autistic child to recognize emotions in a fun way, with points to win and challenges to overcome.

All of the child's actions will be recorded and will allow the team of researchers over the long term to determine if their smart program is able to improve the abilities of autistic children, and more particularly detect autism as early as possible in children. The project manager hopes to lower the age of detection by almost two years, from 4 years and a half to just 2 and a half years.



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