Recently, we received Morgan Lavaux and Valentin Roy, to tell us about Hector: their cube smart health connected multifunction that we tested on objetconnecte.net. On this occasion, they also unveiled a preview of their Gaspard project: a smart health connected anti-decubitus cushion.
Hector's family is growing with Gaspard …
While Hector was a first step in the world of smart health connected objects, his little brother Gaspard is a much more ambitious and more expensive project at the heart of the two innovators. This is an anti-eschar mat that aims to better support people in wheelchairs.
Cushions of this type are, for the moment, passive. That is to say, it is necessary to detect the problems oneself, which calls into question their utility. Indeed, many people who find themselves for various reasons in a wheelchair may have a decrease or even a total lack of sensation in certain parts of the body.
From there, help is needed to feel the bad postures that create pressure ulcers. The problem: an eschar can be created in just 15 minutes. Each patient must be able to detect his bad postures to correct them if no one is with him.
Gaspard: a positioning tracker for people in wheelchairs
Gaspard is a smart health connected carpet that is placed between the chair and the classic anti-escarre cushion that is always used with. It is equipped with sensors that send position alerts. They monitoring the three main aggravating factors of pressure ulcers: weight, positioning and lack of movement.
TheApplication of the Gaspard therefore monitors the pelvis and buttocks of the person concerned in order to verify that his position is good. It will also track the activity of the user and thus offer him daily goals in the manner of fitness smart health connected objects.
For example, lifting the weight of your body to the strength of the arms while standing on the armrests of the armchair is an exercise that must be exercised often so that the body of the patient does not weaken too much over time. It also helps to reposition and avoid bedsores.
The app allows you to send alerts to a selected caregiver. It can be a family member, a friend or a caregiver who will have the mission to prevent the person with reduced mobility if it does not see the alerts that are addressed to him on his own smartphone .
When we met them, the product was in the prototyping stage. Today, Gaspard has been presented several times and is about to be officially launched at CES Las Vegas next January.