Excellerations® Building Brilliance® Magnetic Clear Squares – Set of 48 Discounts School Supply for a better health & smart kid

Discount School Supply
59.90 USD Buy Now

in stock,Discount School Supply-School Supplies, Arts & Crafts,STEM & Curriculum|Manipulatives,Blocks,Games|Magnetic Tiles & Builders,Excellerations®

Clear magnetic tiles will add a unique quality to constructions. Add windows to your cubes, pyramids, and other geometric creations! Geometric shapes easily connect for open-ended, constructive play!

  • Unique tiles attract on all sides, allowing for endless creative, free-form 3-D configurations in addition to cubes, pyramids and more
  • Promote critical thinking, math reasoning and classifying and sorting by attributes
  • Perfect for light exploration and encouraging imaginative, creative play
  • Addresses multiple STEM objectives such as investigating the effects of strength or direction of push/pull on the motion of an object and planning and conducting investigations of the effects of placing objects of varied materials in light beam paths
  • 48 Clear squares 2.65″

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Excellerations® Building Brilliance® Magnetic Clear Squares – Set of 48 Discounts School Supply for a better health & smart kid
Excellerations® Building Brilliance® Magnetic Clear Squares – Set of 48 Discounts School Supply for a better health & smart kid
59.90 USD


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