The Favril is a town of 352 inhabitants, located between Chartres and Nogent-le-Rotrou, belonging to a community of communes of "more than 220,000 inhabitants where only a dozen general practitioners practice", explained H4D.
"The inhabitants (of the municipality) and those around can wait almost a fortnight for a simple appointment with their referring doctor," she said.
The installation of the teleconsultation cabin in the Favril town hall allows "to provide a reliable and concrete answer to the problem of medical deserts not to leave thousands of inhabitants without a doctor," said Dr. Franck Baudino, president of H4D quoted in the release.
The booth "allows for videoconference consultations with a doctor and does not require the presence of nurses or health professionals to accompany the patient" while "respecting the conditions of confidentiality" necessary, guaranteed the company. It is equipped with instruments (otoscope, stethoscope, sphygmomanometer …) "allowing the doctor to establish a remote diagnosis and, if necessary, issue an order".
The municipal council of Favril had worked with the Catel to compare the use of three telemedicine solutions (telemedicine booth, truck moving from village to village, or local made available by the municipality and equipped with videoconferencing tools) before opting for the Consult Station, one recalls.
"To my surprise, the inhabitants have almost unanimously welcomed the project because it is concrete and responds to a daily problem," said John Billard, Mayor of the town and vice-president of the Association of Rural Mayors of France (AMRF ) in charge of digital.