REV’IT! Defender Pro GTX Black Textile Motorcycle Pants 2XL ChromeBurner Discount

448.23 GBP Get This Deal


448.23 GBP

Discount price: 448.23 GBP

When you start traveling you create new experiences that sometimes go beyond your imagination. With that thought REV’IT! designed the Defender Pro GTX trousers – they’ve tried to go beyond imagination and created the most versatile trousers ever. It is not just a 2 layer construction as they’ve chosen the best materials and membrane to be incorporated whereas the outer shell is strong and abrasion resistant. The adjustment options are endless as even the CE certified protectors come in adjustable protector pockets. Furthermore these trousers are equipped with ventilation zippers, grip panels, long and short connection zippers, and plenty of adjustment straps all incorporated for your convenience when on the road. Sizes S-XYL, M-XYL short, M-XXL long


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REV’IT! Defender Pro GTX Black Textile Motorcycle Pants 2XL ChromeBurner  Discount
REV’IT! Defender Pro GTX Black Textile Motorcycle Pants 2XL ChromeBurner Discount
448.23 GBP


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