9 effective apps for a healthy back


More and more people suffer from the number one widespread disease: back pain. But with suitable exercises and the following apps, suffering can be counteracted.

Back pain affects 85% of Germans at least once in their life, 12% of those affected even regularly or chronically. Anyone who thinks that it only affects the physically extremely demanding people among us is wrong, because the pain is in the office – in the truest sense of the word.

Millions of Germans suffer from neck and back problems due to incorrect posture and the lack of ergonomic workplaces. During our 8-hour working hours in an upright sitting position, an average of approx. 90 kilos affect the lumbar vertebrae, while leaning forward approx. 170 kg – the back needs a lot of strength. An untrained deep musculature does the rest.

Back pain in the workplace

© Westwing

For download: Back fit at the workplace

In addition, muscle tension due to poor posture, one-sided loads, lack of exercise and occupational stress are among the most frequently cited causes of the unpleasant pain.

Movement and exercises for in between

Due to our modern way of life, several of the factors mentioned come together and make us suffer from back pain. If you want to prevent the unpleasant pain, you should start with suitable exercises that can be integrated into everyday life.

There are some effective exercises to improve posture in the workplace and to strengthen the deep muscles, which can even be carried out in the office – without breaking a sweat. They are presented, for example, in Westwing's Healthy Back Guide, In addition, there are exciting facts about the spine and other information about back health.

Infographic spine

© Westwing

For download: infographic spine

In addition, there are now some apps that can help on the way to a healthy back. Because it does not always have to be the personal trainer or the expensive gym membership – in some cases, an app tailored to your individual needs and providing back exercises helps.

With the right back health app, there are all sorts of suggestions and instructions for effective back exercises, because they can be called up anytime, anywhere. Most back schools for on the go are available for both iPhone and Android.

Apps for a healthy back

The apps presented in the e-book help to strengthen your back by presenting effective exercises that can usually be adjusted depending on the individual training experience and pain level.

Read also: 5 fitness apps in the Review – already trained today?

Recommended back apps include:

  • Dr. KADE Back Fit (iOS + Android)
  • Back Pain Relief Yoga Poses (iOS + Android)
  • Ratiopharm back school (iOS + Android)
  • Back acute training (iOS + Android)
  • My back (Android)
  • Women's back training (Android)
  • BackDoc (iOS)
  • iREHAB Back Pain (iOS)
  • Spine intense (iOS)
  • Back school (iOS)

The apps offer, among other things, exercises that help to strengthen and stretch the back muscles, nutrition tips and first aid measures for acute back pain.

“No more pain! 9 #Apps for a healthy back. #EHealth "

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The exercises are usually presented in a simple and understandable way with step-by-step instructions, pictures and text. Some apps also offer a pain diary function, relaxation exercises and tips on the topic of "lifting properly" or "standing in compliance with back".



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