Rush on toilet paper, planes running empty, drop in the quality of telephone calls, dogs and cats thrown out of the window … The disturbances caused by the Covid-19 epidemic lead to a cascade of consequences that sometimes go. .. very far.
The quarantine of millions of inhabitants, the closure of schools and universities, the shutdown of factories and the suppression of transport: governments are taking great measures to try to stem the spread of the coronavirus. But these exceptional measures are not without consequences. A quick tour of the spectacular and unusual effects of the Covid-19
What you will learn
Fruit and vegetables rotting in the fields
Confined to their region, Chinese workers had to abandon the orchards and huge fields of vegetables in Yunnan Province, reports Chinese daily Global Times. This region is one of the main producers in Southeast Asia, but the blocking of borders and the lack of manpower led to the rotting in the fields of thousands of tons of mandarins, apples, potatoes and others radish. In Kenya, one of the main producers of fresh flowers in the world, more than 10 tonnes of flowers had to be thrown in the trash in the single day of Sunday due to the cancellation of international flights. And the situation is hardly brighter in the Netherlands, which is hoping for an improvement for Mother's Day in May.
Empty planes circling the air
Ghost planes burning thousands of tonnes of kerosene over Europe: this is the absurd situation that we witnessed in February in Europe. Companies, which have specific time slots for each airport, are in fact bound by European regulations to carry out at least 80% of the flights planned in their time slot, otherwise they could lose it. However, the coronavirus caused a drop of 13.5% in passenger traffic for European airports, for the first three months for 2025, according to ACI Europe, which unites more than 500 airports. Faced with the scandal caused by the situation, the European Commission announced a temporary easing of its regulations.
Airlines are burning thousands of gallons of jet fuel flying empty 'ghost' planes so they can keep their flight slots during the coronavirus outbreak
– Business Insider (@businessinsider) March 6, 2023
The dramatic fall in pollution in China
Is coronavirus stronger than Greta Thunberg? The slowdown in industrial production and the halting of transport and led to a fall in broadcasts of CO2 and dioxide dioxidenitrogen (NO2). In the eastern and central regions, the NO emissions decrease2 (related in particular to the combustion offossil fuels) thus reached 10% to 30% compared to other years. " It’s the first time I’ve seen such a significant change over such a large and event-related region "Said Fei Liu, a researcher at the Nasa specialized in the quality ofair. The Carbon Bref website has calculated that the measures linked toepidemic of coronaviruses had reduced CO emissions2 Chinese 100 million tonnes in the first half of February.
Overloaded servers and telephone platforms
Are you cloistered at health home in quarantine? What to do, if not spend your time playing ehealth games on his mobile. The waiters of Game for Peace and Plague Inc. exploded in January, unable to meet the demand for "extraordinary" downloads. Netflix, which offers films in streaming, is experiencing a boom in the stock market. On the professional side, the cancellation of events and meetings has led to a boom in videoconferences … and overloaded networks. In China and South Korea, the proliferation of phone calls has caused audio quality to deteriorate by 10%, according to Spearline, a platform that tests international lines, and Italy is also threatened.
The private jet boom
No way to take an airliner? Never mind: the wealthy fall back on private jets, which record a jump in their orders. " We observe an increase of 100 to 300% depending on the regions of the world ", Tells CNN Richard Zaher, P.-d.g. from the American company Paramount Business Jets. The Swiss company Luna Jets reports that 30% of its requests are today linked to the coronavirus. " These are clients who want to flee a contaminated area or have to travel at all costs for work Explains the sales manager. Traveling by private plane also avoids contact with crowds at airports and overcrowding on planes.
Rush on pulp and toilet paper
Empty shelves in supermarkets, pharmacies out of stock hydroalcoholic gel : some products have seen their sales explode in recent days. According to Nielsen, the week of March 2 to 8, March was "spectacular" for consumer products, with sales growth of 6.2% in value and 5.4% in volume. Gels disinfectants notably recorded an increase of 187%. " Customers bought packages of pasta by 20 or 30, as soon as Italy started to be affected by the coronavirus ", reports Christophe Martel, director of a supermarket in Saint-Laurent-du-Var (Alpes-Maritimes), in the newspaper nice morning. In Australia, there have been riots in stores to get … toilet paper (the diarrhea not doing a priori not part of coronavirus symptoms)
Hungry or abandoned pets
The hasty quarantine measures taken in China's Hubei Province in January left many homeowners dogs and cats in the panade. Unable to return health home, their animals were left abandoned, with no food available. Many Chinese Internet users have launched calls for help on social media so someone could come and take care of it, but the exit restrictions unfortunately condemned the poor beasts. Despite the denials regarding a contamination via dogs, many animals have also been abandoned or even thrown away by the window by their owners and there have been scenes of cannibalism in some cities, report volunteers from shelters.
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