45 Maple Blocks, 14 Shapes Discounts School Supply for a better health & smart kid

Discount School Supply
230.46 USD Buy Now

in stock,Discount School Supply-School Supplies, Arts & Crafts,Infant & Toddler|Cognitive Development & Fine Motor|Building Blocks,Unit Blocks,Jonti-Craft™

These solid maple blocks are finely sanded for a smooth, even finish to ensure that they’re splinter free. All edges are beveled and corners are safely rounded. Set includes: 10 half units, 4 units, 2 double units, 6 half pillars, 4 pillars, 2 columns, 1 double column, 2 roman arches, 2 half circles, 4 small triangles, 2 large triangles, 2 ramps, 2 half gothic arches and 2 small buttresses. Based on a unit measurement of 2 3/4″W x 1 3/8 “H x 5 1/2″L. Made in the USA.

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45 Maple Blocks, 14 Shapes Discounts School Supply for a better health & smart kid
45 Maple Blocks, 14 Shapes Discounts School Supply for a better health & smart kid
230.46 USD
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