2015 was a year rich in innovations. Whether for the benefit of the planet, for scientific research, or for humanitarian purposes, they have all contributed in one way or another to making this world a better place. We offer you a selection of the 25 innovations that marked the year 2015.
What you will learn
- A machine that converts excrement into drinking water
- An algorithm that prevents HIV among homeless youth
- A pair of shoes suitable for the disabled
- eGranary Pocket: a pocket library
- Tableware for people with cognitive impairment
- Desalinate seawater by freezing
- Plant-powered lamps
- A tool to absorb oil spills
- A filter to collect and reuse the wash water
- A kit house for refugees
- A low-cost self-transfusion tool
- A turbine that generates electricity from ocean currents
- A prosthetic hand that restores the sense of touch
- Flo: A device that makes it easier to wash sanitary napkins
- Neovent: a ventilator that improves babies' breathing
- Eco Blac: an ecological brick
- A printable HIV Review at health home
- A bindi that supplies women with iodine
- Flow Hive: A tap hive
- A smartphone accessory to screen for STDs
- Brilliance Pro: Against jaundice, an advanced treatment
- An efficient and affordable knee prosthesis
- A temporary tattoo to measure your blood sugar level
- Be my Eyes: an application serving the visually impaired
A machine that converts excrement into drinking water
(embed) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bVzppWSIFU0 (/ embed)
Take advantage of excrement for produce drinking water is the challenge that the foundation has set for itself Gates in collaboration with Janicki bioenergy. The company designed a machine that converts excrement into drinking water. The principle is simple. In this machine, the excrement is burned and boiled. Steam recovered East processed is turned into perfectly potable water. But that's not all. Thanks to the combustion of this waste, the factory also produces electricity which will be used to power the whole plant.
An algorithm that prevents HIV among homeless youth
PSINET is an algorithm capable of preventing the HIV in homeless youth. Thanks to artificial intelligence, this algorithm is based on the network of friendships of young homeless people (crossing thousands of possibilities) to identify the person best able to circulate information on HIV prevention in within a given group of homeless people. The selected person can, on the one hand, ask about on basic information about HIV and its prevention, and on the other hand, provide researchers with information about their community.
A pair of shoes suitable for the disabled
At the request of a young quadriplegic called Matthew Walzer, Nike has created a new pair of shoes for people with physical disabilities. These sneakers integrate a system facilitating the sliding of the foot in the shoe and a zipper on the back of the shoe. This pair of sneakers aims to allow people with disabilities to put on shoes without any assistance, thereby gaining more autonomy.
A syringe made up of sponges capable of stopping a hemorrhage in less than a minute
This syringe designed by the American company Revolutionary Medical Technologies (RevMed) can be of great help in an emergency. Injected into a deep wound, this syringe absorbs blood, apply pressure on the wound cavities, and blocked thus the blood flow in less than a minute.
eGranary Pocket: a pocket library
eGranary Pocket Library is a chip developed by WiderNet Project, an association based at the University of North Carolina. This chip harnesses the power of smartphones, laptops and tablets to power and serve in machines not smart health connected to the internet. The aim of the initiative is to guarantee education for the billions of people without internet access thanks to the thousands of resources and educational materials available to them.
Tableware for people with cognitive impairment
Cognitive impairment patients very often end up in the malnutrition. The latter is usually due to the difficulty of eating properly and handling the utensils properly. In order to simplify this exercise, which has become complicated for these patients, Sha Yao, an industrial designer, made a dishes specially designed to help them make better use of utensils and appreciate their nutrition, with non-slip plates, ergonomic cutlery and distinct and vivid colors.
Desalinate seawater by freezing
Researchers at the American company General Electric (GE) experimented with a miniaturized 3D printed steam turbine for desalinate seawater thanks to a system of freezing. Researchers explain that by freezing the mixture of air, salt and water compressed and released by the turbine through a loop cooling system that freezes seawater, the salt separates naturally ice in solid form. This melted ice will give drinking water. The company is still working on this experience for a concrete and effective realization.
Plant-powered lamps
(embed) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t8H30OrxIKQ (/ embed)
To make up for the lack of electricity in a small village located at Peru, this team of Peruvian researchers had the ingenious idea of making a lamp (The Plantalámparas) that works with plants. When photosynthesis, plant waste decompose into the ground and produce electrons. The research team recover his electrons using electrodes in the ground and store in batteries. The process can light up LED bulbs for up to 2 hours.
A tool to absorb oil spills
Researchers at Deakin University in Australia have developed a device that can clean up oil spills like a sponge. Thanks to the multiple pores it contains, it has an absorption capacity that can go up to 33 times its own weight.
A filter to collect and reuse the wash water
(embed) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qInVWrgSeh0 (/ embed)
In the interests of saving and preserving water, three graduate students from MIT, have designed Aquafresc. It’s a filter ecological which, integrated in a washing machine, allows recover and of to recycle the water used during washing for a future reuse. The process allows to reuse 95% some water.
A kit house for refugees
To help millions of refugees in the world, Better Shelter, a social organization collaborated with the UN and Ikea to design houses in Kit intended to house refugees all over the world. Easy to assemble and disassemble, these kit houses are all equipped with solar panels to supply energy independently.
A low-cost self-transfusion tool
In some countries, blood transfusions are done in far from hygienic conditions. These conditions are mainly due to a lack of tools and equipment. Sisu Global Health a developed a device that may well end this problem. This is a camera deviceautotransfusion at very low cost, able to replace traditional transfusion tools.
A turbine that generates electricity from ocean currents
Hannah Herbst, an American schoolgirl from 14 years, developed a turbine able to collect energy from currents maritime for generate electricity. This invention allowed him to win the Discovery Education 3M Young Scientist Challenge, prize for the best American junior scientist.
A prosthetic hand that restores the sense of touch
A team of American researchers carried out a hand prosthesis directly smart health connected to brain. Experience has enabled the beneficiary of this prototype to control his hand artificial with his brain. Better yet, the man has managed to regain his sense of touch thanks to this prosthesis.
Flo: A device that makes it easier to wash sanitary napkins
Many women and young women living in poor countries cannot afford, even if only disposable sanitary napkins. They therefore use fabric, which it is not always easy to wash and dry. To help these thousands of young girls, design students imagined a device called Flo, which allows wash and of to dry sanitary napkins more easily and quickly. It’s a basket closed, inside which the towels will be placed and turned to be washed and dried.
Neovent: a ventilator that improves babies' breathing
(embed) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CHiRTMQCf1Y (/ embed)
The NeoVent is a system of positive pressure ventilation developed by American students, intended for babies suffering from breathing difficulties. It works by some sort of inverted bowl which maintains the pressure necessary to help the baby breathe normally.
Eco Blac: an ecological brick
(embed) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQXEcJEAQyI (/ embed)
Eco Blac is a new type of brick that offers a real alternative to the classic bricks that are considered polluting because of the process of their production. Developed by graduate students of the MIT, this brick is designed from ash from paper mill boilers and does not require no cooking.
A printable HIV Review at health home
This plastic screening Review incorporates a antibody mix and gold nanoparticles to detect certain bacteria and detect a possible HIV in patients.
A bindi that supplies women with iodine
(embed) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sclg_AfGzcE (/ embed)
The bindi is this little red mark worn on the forehead by Hindu women as a sign of religious affiliation in particular. Live saving dot is an initiative which aims to revolutionize this famous brand. It will be about a iodine patch absorbed by the skin which will provide a good dose of iodine to Hindu women suffering from severe iodine deficiency.
Flow Hive: A tap hive
(embed) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0_pj4cz2VJM (/ embed)
Flow Hive is a new process for honey harvest imagined by two Australian beekeepers, to replace the complicated and not more efficient traditional harvesting system. For extract honey, no need to open the hive and disturb the bees. It is enough to turn on a tap, and voila,
A smartphone accessory to screen for STDs
Here is an innovation that could greatly facilitate the screening of MST. A team of researchers from the Columbia University School of Engineering has developed a smartphone accessory that can detect in less than 15 minutes, sexually transmitted infections from a single finger prick.
Brilliance Pro: Against jaundice, an advanced treatment
Jaundice is the first reason why newborn babies are readmitted to hospitals around the world. Unfortunately, many of them are not receiving effective treatment. Developed by D-REV, an innovative American aid company for the poor., Shine Pro is a processing device very sharp jaundice for newborns.
An efficient and affordable knee prosthesis
(embed) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DoyroaT5NWs (/ embed)
In addition to her treatment for jaundice, D-Rev has developed a knee prosthesis high performance that supports any type of climate. The prosthesis is low cost and is intended for the poorest populations. Till today, 7.351 amputees were able to benefit from this prosthesis.
A temporary tattoo to measure your blood sugar level
Diabetic patients have to check their blood sugar several times a day with a finger prick. A fairly restrictive activity for patients. Engineers at theUC San Diego then developed a temporary tattoo who supports both extraction, and measurement glucose levels in diabetics using printed electrodes.
Be my Eyes: an application serving the visually impaired
Be My Eyes is an iPhone application that allows users to "to lend" their eyes to the visually impaired. The app connects the visually impaired with volunteers from around the world. Through a ehealth chat, volunteers describe what they see and answer questions from the visually impaired.